Friday, March 26, 2010


In the newspaper today, the headline screams "COE PRICES HIT RECORD HIGH"!!

STOP! What does that mean for you and I who drive a 2-3 year old car that we lovingly (and easily) keep looking brand new with regular use of LEXOL Leather Cleaner and Conditioner, VINYLEX (for our vinyl or half-leather seats, door panels, and dash board) and of course, the famous KOZAK AUTO DRYWASH CLOTH (cleans and polishes your car- no water and no scratching - GUARANTEED!).

That means we have $$$$$ .. an asset.. ... Our gently used car will be worth much more in the resale market.

Why let those bloodsucker car dealers make all the $$$$? It's easy to sell your own used car- especially if it looks like it's still brand new. But first, we have to make it irrisistable!

And- that's where we at ProMedUSA come in. FIRST- and it's really common sense- the first thing a prospective buyer (or that hot young babe or chickie outside Zouk) will see is the exterior of your car. If it's dirty, scratched, dinged, or covered with swirl marks- UGH- thumbs down my friend! You're dead meat even before you begin!

But- it can be easily remedied! First- if your beloved BM or Merc or Subaru or Mazda or Ferrari, or whatever your wheels are is new- START IMMEDIATELY BY USING THE KOZAK AUTO DRY WASH CLOTH instead of those cheap microfibre cloths to clean and polish your car.
Look Einstein - microfibre is P-L-A-S-T-I-C .... Ya get it? You are rubbing the dirt and grime INTO the paint! Of course you'll wind up with swirl marks... Ahh I see a dull glow coming from behind your eyes... The lights are coming on!

Seriously my friend, even though they feel soft, microfibre does not trap the dirt inside the fabric AWAY from your car's paint like the KOZAK does. That crap stays right on the surface of the microfiber cloth, and you are grinding that dirt into yoiur car's paint every time you wipe down your car with those cheap microfiber cloths. YES they are cheap- but come on guys (and ladies)- you spend several year's salary on your automobile. Isn't it worth an extra $20 a year to keep it looking new? That's a lot cheaper than a $200 detailing job to remove all those swirls and scratches caused by that cheap-n- NOT good microfibre cloth, or those dirty cloths used at your local $6 car wash.

Oooops - did I say car wash??? Hmmm.. That's another one of my pet peeves! CAR WASHES... They waste a LOT of water, they scratch your car (honestly- do you think that guy swishing that dirty rag he just dropped on the ground over your baby's acrylic surface gives a rat's ass about your car?), and again EINSTEIN - you listening or you pickin boogers outa your nose - listen up as there's a test later - soap (car washes use the cheapest shit detergent that they can find) and water will gradually dull your paint and remove the wax you so lovingly applied to your car. Think about it! You wash your hands after you wax your car don't you? Soap gets the wax off your hands doesn't it??? DUH....

Ok- the KozaK Cloth is made from the softest American cotton available. It's specially woven, napped and fluffed so it has trillions (Obama likes that number) of fibres that stand up and trap the dirt between them. It's impregnated with a proprietary and patented GREEN chemical that attracts the dirt into the cloth like a magnet and holds it there AWAY from the surface of your car.

That's why, since 1926, tens of millions (sorry Barak but can't use your favorite number here) of people in 48 countries worldwide have used the KozaK to clean and polish their car- no water - no scratching - GUARANTEED!

Used on a dry car, the KozaK cloth will simply and easily remove all the dust, dirt, road grime from your car without water. Your car's finish will gleam! That hot little chickie's head will turn as you drive by... And on a full sized car, the KozaK will last a year!

Ok cheapskates... Here's the scoop.. Less than 50 cents per "dry wash" - YOU save $5.50 each time. That's 2 plates of chicken rice at Whampo bro!!

Alright, ... I'm tired of writing now. More later.. About how to use LEXOL and VINYLEX to keep the inside of your car looking great.

Learn about the KozaK. Go to and watch the sexiest KozaK babe in Singapore show you how easy it is to keep your car looking brand new.

And that my friends is worth THOUSANDS of $$$$ when you go to sell or trade your car.

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